How Merchant Services Can Help Daycares and Summer Camps Become More Accessible for Potential Clients
Kids are not inexpensive. They require additional medical care, clothing, bedding, toys, and much more. For many families, having children means adding the expense of childcare or at least summer camp. Childcare can be extremely costly. It may even require parents to use other payment methods, outside of cash on hand.
With the ability for parents to use FSA accounts and other options to pay for child care, they may find it difficult to pay for child care and then wait for reimbursement. Therefore, daycare centers and summer camps may find it more accessible for parents if they offer payments through credit and debit cards. It may even allow some parents to become clients when they otherwise would have gone with a less desirable childcare center.
How Can Accepting Credit Cards Help Daycares and Summer Camps?
The world is no longer a cash heavy world. Instead, people prefer to use as many cashless options as possible whenever possible. Some prefer to even use touchless options, such as Venmo, ApplePay, GooglePay, and other cashless options. Many people prefer to make payments online if they must pay a monthly fee for services, such as childcare or summer camp.
Using merchant services to offer credit card and touchless payment options to parents can help grow your childcare business. It allows you to compete with the franchises and larger facilities without largely affecting your bottom line. By accepting electronic, credit, debit, and touchless payments, you are meeting parents where they are. Many do not have large amounts of cash or checkbooks on them. Many parents travel more with their child’s needs in their bags as opposed to expendable cash.
Furthermore, it allows parents to use their FSA debit cards if available rather than waiting for reimbursement from their FSA accounts. As a result, they will not choose a more accessible daycare center even if they prefer all your center has to offer.
Will Credit and Debit Cards Affect Your Child Care Center’s Bottom Line?
The reality is, there are fees associated with accepting credit and debit cards. However, many child care facilities pass these fees to their clients. At a few pennies on the dollar, most clients are happy to pay the added fees for the convenience of using a credit or debit card for payment.
Using a reliable merchant services company to offer credit and debit card options to client will help you keep fees as low as possible. If you are already working with a merchant services company, obtain a review of your contract. You may be paying higher fees than necessary.
The experts at Tanker Consulting Services will review your current contract for free. If they can offer you better pricing, they will. Call them today at 609.922.0201 for a free contract review today.