Merchant Services
  • Free Analysis & Written Report
  • Credit & Debit Card Processing
  • Check Acceptance & Guarantee
  • E-Commerce Services
  • Gift Card & Loyalty Programs
  • Customer Support & Training
  • Customized Online Reporting
  • Security/Fraud Prevention Education

ATM Solutions

Placing an ATM in your business can drive additional revenue to your bottom line. Customers are more likely to spend 20% of their cash at the merchant location.

With Scott’s assistance, you can add convenience for your customers, attract new customers, encourage repeat customers, increase sales and increase traffic!!

POS Solutions
  • Advanced Virtual Terminals
  • Free Loyalty Program
  • Retail & Restaurant Modes
  • Reporting & Metrics
  • Secure, Encrypted CC Reader
  • Dedicated, Reliable Reps
  • Superior Local Service
  • Competitive Pricing

Scott’s Qualifications

B.S.B.A. in Finance –  University of Denver, CO.

Scott has specialized in retirement plan consulting, plan design and asset management services for  30+ years.

Accomplished public speaker giving presentations throughout the U.S. including the Profit Sharing Council of American and the Philadelphia Estate Planning Council.

Prolific expert in the Merchant Services industry, published in trade publications such as the Legal Intelligencer, Shoe Retailing Today, Shop Owner Magazine and Baby Shop Magazine.

Host of a weekly radio segment – Lunch with the Boss – every Thursday, at 12:30 on 

One of our marketing and PR specialist’s will help evaluate your present operations, make recommendations for improvements, and you grow your business. Find a specialist in your area.
South Jersey Biz
Tanker Consulting Services
Scott Tanker proudly receives his award

The transition to the new EMV terminals became effective October 1st and may have caused some confusion.
Here are some tips to help you navigate through the process.
1. Turn on the Fraud Prevention feature in your new terminal.
2. Turn on AVS prompts to verify address and card code information.
3. Manage your liability by verifying identity.
4. New active terminals will notify the cardholder on the terminal screen to insert their card instead of swiping.


Call me for additional information or your questions and concerns.


